Job Hunting Made Simple Starts Tuesday 9 September

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Work From Home Guide

Work From Home Efficiently and Professionally

The rise of the work-from-home workforce has left many feeling unproductive, working longer than usual hours, and disconnected from peers and colleagues.

Our challenge is to find new habits, pathways, systems, and structures that allow us to operate efficiently and professionally from home.

This free guide is full of the best tools (that even I can’t live without) to help you present and organize yourself in the best light possible.

  • Avoid unnecessary emails and meetings
  • Easy to integrate with your calendar
  • Creates a Zoom meeting automatically
  • Detects time zones
  • Set 1-1 meetings, then add guests
  • Guest add contact details, answer questions
  • Sends customized reminders to both parties
  • Easy branding and tailoring
  • Click Here to go to Calendly website
  • Digital writing assistance tool
  • Detects spelling, punctuation, and other common errors in texts
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Detects and improves your tone and narrative
  • Works on every single box you open and write on: LinkedIn, Twitter, Trello etc.
  • Integration with Microsoft Word
  • Click Here to go to Grammarly website
  • Quick (or long!) video messages for your employees and clients
  • Use the cloud to save all your video files
  • Creates captions
  • Simple editing
  • Show, rather than tell
  • Faster than writing an email
  • Replaces meetings
  • Click Here to go to Loom website
  • Have a Zoom “open door” day!
  • Record and share your team meeting
  • Record yourself to practice for interviews
  • Record a presentation, upload to Loom and send
  • Click Here to go to Zoom website
  • Elevate your presentations with engaging infographics
  • Create presentations and reports using professional templates
  • Get documents printed and mailed to you
  • Create interesting social media posts
  • Click Here to go to Canva website
  • Outsource some of your tasks and free up your time and energy
  • Hire a Virtual Personal Assistant that can work a few hours a week, or full time
  • Delegate the work that is keeping you from making progress in your career
  • Learn more Ask your VA to research job ads, articles, create spreadsheets, and much more
  • Click Here to go to Online Jobs PH website
  • All in one platform to create and offer your knowledge
  • Website, CRM, mailing, payment, and all your teaching or training material
  • So easy to use
  • Best customer service
  • Sign Up Here (our affiliated link)

Work with Renata to speed your results:

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