Job Hunting Made Simple Starts Tuesday 9 September

Ready to land your next role? Join my proven coaching program to fast-track your job search and secure the career you deserve.

Career Consultation Service

Pick Renata’s Brain to Get Your Job Search and Career Back on Track

What to Expect from Your Consultation:

  • Sixty minutes, private 1-1 session on Zoom.
  • I will ask you questions to review and investigate where you are in your career, what your aspirations are and provide you with my tips, education, and advice on your career goals, progression, and next steps.
  • You can book a session to review an important job application, prepare for a job interview, help with your exit or salary negotiation, and much more. You will be prompted to provide me with background information about your situation before our session so that I can review your case and we can make the most of our time together.
  • You will be able to share with me any critical issues that are keeping you awake at night, and we can workshop solutions and scenarios together.
  • You can request that the session be recorded so you can review it later. We can share screens and review documents, such as resumes and cover letters.
  • You will feel less stressed, more motivated, and more excited about the next steps you need to take to achieve your career goals.
  • You will invest $400 to get an impressive return on your investment by finally making progress in your job search and career.

We Can Achieve a Lot During a Consultation!

  • Interview Preparation: Practice your answers, learn special tricks, get feedback and expert advice to maximize your chances of success.
  • Get Feedback: Talk to a career expert before making a career-changing decision, like resigning or accepting a job offer.
  • Brainstorm: Let’s discuss your career stresses, job hunting blocks and set realistic goals for your career advancement. 
  • Review Your Resume: Review your resume, cover letter, and job application before applying for that excellent job you want so much! 

Why You Need a Consultation:

  • 60-minute 1-1 session
  • Address your key concerns
  • Get feedback and advice
  • Gain confidence about your next steps
  • Reduce the stress of job hunting

How Monika Used the Consultation Service to Reach her Goals

Talking to her helped me gather some good pointers that I will be using in my career development in the future.

I discovered Renata when my job applications were already with the prospective employers, and I was booked for interviews. But talking to her helped me gather some good pointers that I will be using in my career development in the future. I really liked Renata’s view on making peace with my career gaps and being more confident speaking about them. I also liked her practical advice, such as aligning my LinkedIn profile and my resume together to tell a consistent story.

A chat with Renata prepared me for this very important and memorable coffee of my career.

I had another consultation before my final interview. It was my first time in a more informal interview setting: it was the final stage of the selection process and a coffee meeting with the boss! I had very little clue on what to expect. A chat with Renata prepared me for this very important and memorable ‘coffee’ of my career. I learned about the different stages of a selection process, the reasoning behind this final step, and the best way to conduct myself at the coffee catch-up with my future employer. And yes, I got the job!

Renata gave me that secret missing block and helped me complete my dream picture.

I would not have done it without her. I am ambitious, focused and have worked hard to build my toolbox of skills that I am really proud of. But something was mysteriously missing. Renata gave me that secret missing block and helped me complete my dream picture. I felt much closer to success. And now, it feels so good to be on the other side. Thanks, Renata! And I know that I can always count on her tailored advice to my needs if I have a career problem to resolve.

Monika is a corporate professional based in Australia. The photo is stock to protect her privacy (but she also has a great smile!).

How Monika Used the Consultation Service to Reach her Goals

Client Testimonials

Frequent Asked Questions

Read below to double-check that a Private Consultation is just what you need to reach your goals.

It is not essential to prepare in advance. I understand that, sometimes, you don’t even know where to begin! But you can prepare in advance if you are at that stage of your career journey. In that case, I recommend that you forward me your resume (your latest copy, even if it’s out of date) and your LinkedIn profile (if you have one). This will ensure I can provide you with feedback on these two important documents so that you can make the most of your consultation. Once the booking is made, I will forward you an email guiding you on the steps to send me information before our consultation if you wish to do that.

Yes, absolutely. You and I will be bound by a confidentiality agreement once you book your consultation. There’s also no judgment and no right or wrong answers or paths to pursue. Every career is unique.

Many clients book 2-4 consultations if they are going through a rough period or an important recruitment and selection process. However, there are periods in one’s career that are better supported by ongoing private coaching. Private coaching can help you gain confidence and be better prepared for important career pivots, changes, and milestones. If you feel like what you need is a coach for 3, 6, or 12 months, with an expert coach supporting your career advancement or transition, please book a free discovery call with me first. I need to make sure you are the right client for me, and you can check if a collaboration with me is the key to make your next career move a success.

You will need to check the rules that apply to your current country and pay taxes. In Australia, in certain instances, coaching services can be claimed under “Self-Education Expenses.” I provide a tax invoice and recommend you seek the advice of an accountant. For more information, go to the ATO website here.

Still Not Sure? Read Anita's feedback

“I know it’s daunting for professionals who would rather deliver at work than focus on themselves, but Renata will help you reframe that thinking.  It can be hard to know where to begin on this discovery of your next career step, and everyone feels super vulnerable at some point. Don’t worry; there’s a virtual hand holding all the way through. Renata herself is an experienced senior executive who’s been directly involved in many senior hires, leading large teams, and consulting with blue-chip employers. You’ll be amazed to discover what you didn’t know about how to step up into your next role.” 

Anita Ziemer is the Executive Director of the recruitment firm Slade Group and an experienced Recruiter and Executive Search Consultant

Anita Ziemer is the Executive Director of the recruitment firm Slade Group and an experienced Recruiter and Executive Search Consultant
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